
Summer blog catch-up continues, this time with a report on all things Quantum. If you’re in NYC and want to try the game, I am demoing it on Tuesday August 26 at 7pm at The Uncommons, a board game cafe in the East Village.

Quantum is my recent tabletop strategy game, published with Paris-based FunForge earlier this year. The game has done well – selling out in North America and with coming editions in Italian, Polish, and Spanish to join the French and English versions. The image above is from the launch party we held at the NYU Game Center, in partnership with another tabletop game from an NYC designer, Zach Gage’s Guts of Glory.

In Quantum, players control a small fleet of space ships, each ship represented by a die. The game is easy to learn and quick to play, but strategically it’s surprisingly deep. The board is made up of modular tiles and the game comes with 30 different board layouts – or you can design your own.


The critical response to Quantum has been great. Among the many video and blog reviews, here are some of my favorites:

I get regular requests for expansions to the game, and all I can say is that I would LOVE to do more design on Quantum. The more copies that sell, the better the chance for my publisher to support an expansion, so if you are a fan of the game, help spread the word! 

And if you are in NYC and reading this before the end of August, come and see me at The Uncommons on the 26th!